Professional of the Year - Chemicals/Personal Care Products/Fiber Physics

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Syed H. Kazmi

Title: Senior Scientist
Industry: Chemicals/Personal Care Products
Type of Organization: Manufacturing
Major Product/Service: Producing and distributing personal care products such as creme relaxers, reconstructors, conditioners, shampoos, hair care, strengthening serums, and natural textured products
Expertise: With over 22 years experience, Mr. Kazmi specializes in fiber physics and dynamic mechanical analyzers.
Geographic Area of Distribution: National
Affiliations: Life Member, Pakistan Institute Of Physics
University/Degree: M.Sc., Physics, Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, 1974
Born: December 25, 1950, Pakistan
Hobbies/Sports: Astrology, gardening
Work History: Previously, Mr. Kazmi taught Physics.